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Hi This is Linkesh Kanna Velu from Chennai, working as a QA Professional. Want to share all the fun stuffs in Software Testing to all my friends through this Blog. All the information that I am sharing here is all my own opinions. Its no where related to the Organization that I am working. த ம ன ப ற வத உலக ன ப றக கண ட. க ம ற வர கற றற ந த ர .
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12 reasons to go Pro. 3 hidden gems in SoapUI Pro. Rumble in the testing jungle. API Monitoring With Alertsite by Smartbear. 10 Tips for the SoapUI Beginner. Point and Click with XPath.
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Web Service Development using SOAP. The Service Web will be the backbone of the coming generation of distributed applications. And SOAP, one of the most promising in a range of new protocols, is looking likely to be the lingua franca. Right Now! Generating a Deployment Descriptor from your Service Classes. Simplifying your Java SOAP Client.